Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Inggris Binis Tugas Ke - 2 SOAL


1. Below is a sentence countable noun, except….

a. A glass of milk c. You can see through glass

b. He has many papers d. He has many money

2. Below is a singular countable noun, except….

a. bags c. lady

b. hero d. city

3. the following uses a plural countable noun…

a. country c.branch

b.day d. keys

4. Below is a plural countable noun, except….

a. children c. wolves

b. geese d. wife

5. Includes the following into singuler and plural countable noun…

a. feet c. knives

b. sheep d. safes

6. Below is a uncountable noun, except….

a. You can see through glass c. A glass of milk

b. Paper is made from wood d. I have some apples

For No. 7-11 Complete the sentences below using the gerund!

7. ……. is my hobby

a. play c. reading

b. read d. holyday

8. Before …. I lock the door

a. go c. gone

b. going d. go to

9. I was getting sleepy, so I had my friend ........ the car.

a. drive c. to drive

c. drived d. driving

10. The students should be made ……. on time.

a. coming c. come

b. to come d. comed

11. Swimming is moving in the water. Swimming has a function as a noun ?

a. objek c. predicate

b. preposition d. subject

12. Include is a verb gerund? Except…

a. avoid c. strong

b. escape d. postpone

13. Either of the two study has passed the exam. Correct the sentence !

a. Either of the two students has passed the exam

b. Either of the two study has pas the exam

c. Neither of the two students have passed the exam

d. Neither of the two study have passed the exam

14. Neither Yayat nor two of his friend are attended the class now. Correct the sentence !

a. Either Yayat or two of his friends are attended the class now

b. Either Yayat nor two of his frendly are attending the class now

c. Neither Yayat nor two of his friends are attending the class now

d. Neither Yayat nor two of her frendly are attended the class now

For No. 15 & 16. Note the following sentence !

I didn’t go to supermarket yesterday.

He didn’t go to supermarket yesterday.

15. Combine the following sentences to Neither !

a. I didn’t go to supermarket yesterday, and neither did He.

b. I did not go to supermarket yesterday, neither did He

c. I didn’t go to supermarket with He yesterday

d. I did not go to supermarket yesterday, neither did He

16. Combine the following sentences to Either !

a. I didn’t go to supermarket and He either yesterday

b. I didn’t go to supermarket yesterday and He

c. I and He didn’t go to supermarket yesterday

d. I didn’t go to supermarket yesterday and He didn’t either

For No. 17 & 18. Note the following sentence !

I didn’t come to the party last night because I was sick

Suci didn’t come to the party last night because Suci was sick

17. Combine the following sentences to Either !

a. I didn’t come to the party last night because I was sick and Suci didn’t’ either

b. I didn’t come to the party last night because I and Suci was sick

c. I and Suci didn’t come to the party last night because I and Suci sick

d. I didn’t come to the party last night because I either Suci was sick

18. Combine the following sentences to Neither !

a. I didn’t come to the party last night because I and Suci neither was sick

b. I didn’t come to the party last night because I was sick, and neither did Suci

c. I and Suci didn’t come to the party last night because I was sick

d. I and neither Suci didn’t come to the party last night because I was sick

19. …….. planted a rose plant last month …….. is growing well now.

a. me, this c. I, you

b. we, it d. me, you

20. The subject pronoun is not included ?

a. His c. You

b. They d. She

21. Include is a subject pronoun? Except…

a. He is my brother

b. She likes writing a poem

c. This is I. I am just an ordinary person

d. Echa gave me a piece of cake

22. The subject pronoun is not included ?

a. You have to buy a good English dictionary.

b. I hate myself

c. She must be angry to herself

d. Koko helped us clean the house

23. I have just been introduced to the lady….. next door.

a. who live c. who have lived
b. that lives d. lived

24. The article…… we got the data for our essay is written by a well known sociologist.

a. that c. whose
b. whom d. from which

25. The victims of the flood…… we have collected money and clothes are housed in barracks outside the town.

a. which c. whom
b. whose d. for whom

26. The girl is a Balinese. I was introduced to her.
The above sentences can be joined as follows: The girl……I was introduced is a Balinese.

a. to whom c. whose
b. whom d. which

27. The book…... is only available in the library.

a. from which these two chapters are taken
b. these two chapters are taken from them
c. where these two chapters are taken
e. the two chapters are taken

28. This is Mr. Flash …….

a. which I told you c. I told you about
b. whom I told you about d. that I told you

29. This is the source……. I got the data for my composition.

a. in which c. the place
b. which d. from which

30. The lady……. this letter is addressed has moved to another city.

a. who c. to whom
b. to which d. whom

31. The yellow card………is only issued for employees.

a. one cannot enter the factory without
b. which without it one cannot enter the factory
c. no one can enter the factory without it
d. without which one cannot enter the factory

32. This is the lady…… I discussed my problem.

a. who c. with whom
b. with her d. whom

33. Teenager delinquency……… people are now complaining, has become a popular topic discussed among psychologists.

a. about which c. whom that
b. in which d. whic

34. The tourist asked me………

a. where the nearest bank is
b. the nearest bank
c. where is the nearest bank?
d. which the nearest bank

35. Include is a epithet adjective? Except…

a. clever student c. she is beautiful

b. blue eyes d. old car

36. Include is a predicative adjective? Except…

a. we are strong c. he is tall

b. beautifull girl d. I am happy

For number 37- 39 Change the sentence in the form of so and too !

37. I study English every day. Putri studies English every day.

a. I study English every day, and so does Putri

b. I study English every day so Putri studies English every day

c. I and Putri studies English every day

d. I study English and Putri studies English every day

38. I will play tennis. Vika will play tennis.

a. I and Vikka will play tennis

b. I and Vikka so does will play tennis

c. I will play tennis, and so does Vika will play

d. I will play tennis, and Vika will too

39. Ibrahimovic goes to office. Pato goes to office.

a. Ibrahimovic goes to office, will too Pato

b. Ibrahimovic and Pato goes to office

c. Ibrahimovic goes to office, and so does Pato

d. Ibrahimovic goes to office, and will Pato so does

40. I will play football everyday. Aries will play football everyday.

a. I will play football everyday, and Aries will too

b. I and Aries will play football everyday

c. I and Aries play football everyday will too

d. I will play football everyday, and will too Aries

Inggris Binis Tugas Ke - 2 Teori

1. Coubtable and Uncountable

Coubtable merupakan kata benda yang dapat dihitung, sedangkan Uncountable merupakan kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. Uncountable nouns (also called mass nouns or noncount nouns) cannot be counted, they are not seperate objects. This means you cannot make them plural by adding -s, because they only have a singular form. It also means that they do not take a/an or a number in front of them.

2. Gerund

Gerund merupakan kata kerja (verb) yang berfungsi sebagai kata kerja (noun), jadi gerund merupakan kata kerja yang dibendakan.

Rumus : Gerund : verb + ing

Gerund berfungsi sebagai :

a. Subject

b. Predicate

c. Object

d. Preposition

3. Either and Neither

Either artinya salah satu (dari dua orang/dari dua benda), sedangkan neither (= not either) artinya tidak salah satu/tidak dua-duanya (i.e. Maknanya sama dengan : both…not). Tulisan ini membahas 3 (tiga) penggunaan either dan neither, yaitu ketika either dan neither digunakan secara mandiri (tanpa or dan nor), ketika either dan neither digunakan berpasangan dengan OR atau NOR, dan ketika digunakan dalam negative agreement.

Penggunaan Either…or dan Neither…nor

+ noun +
+ plural noun
+ plural verb
+ noun +
+ singular noun
+ singular verb

Dalam hal ini, either…or dan neither…nor berfungsi sebagai paired conjunctions atau correlative conjunctions. Verb yang mengikuti either…or dan neither…nor ditentukan oleh subject kalimat setelah or atau nor. Verbnya akan plural jika setelah or atau nor diikuti oleh plural subject (plural nouns), dan sebaliknya, verbnya akan singular jika or atau nor diikuti oleh singular subject (singular nouns).

4. Pronoun Subject

Pronoun atau kata ganti adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan orang atau benda. Ada 5 jenis kata ganti orang, yaitu yang berfungsi sebagai subject (Subject Pronouns), sebagai object (object pronoun), sebagai adjective (possessive adjectives), untuk menyatakan kepunyaan (possessive pronouns), dan untuk menyatakan refleksi diri (reflexive atau reciprocal pronouns). Subject pronoun adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai subject.

  • I, you, we, they, he, dan she digunakan untuk mengganti orang. Selain itu, “they ” juga digunakan untuk menggantikan plural nouns. He dan she juga dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan hewan, khususnya hewan peliharaan. Dan khusus untuk “she ‘ juga dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan kapal laut.
  • “It ” untuk menggantikan benda mati dan tumbuhan tunggal.
  • He, she dan it adalah singular subject (orang ketiga tunggal) yang selalu diikuti oleh singular verb.

Penggunaan subject pronoun ada 4, yaitu:

a. Pada umumnya subject pronoun diletakkan di awal kalimat (sebelum verb).

b. (it/that/this/these/those/there) + (to be) + subject pronoun

c. Setelah expression as… as dalam kalimat equal comparison.

d. Setelah different from.

5. Passive Adjective

Adjective merupakan kata sifat yang dipergunakan menerangkan benda (noun). Adjective memiliki 2 macam yaitu:

a. Epithet Adjective, yang penulisannya diletakkan sebelum kata benda

b. Predicative Adjective, yaitu merupakan kata sifat yang diletakkan setelah subyek dan kata kerja bantu (is, am, are)

6. Too and So

Kalimat yang menggunakan kata “So” dan “Too”. I had so many dreams about you and me. And it’s too late for you and your white horse to come around. Namun penggunaanya dalam bahasa Inggris membuat kalimat menjadi berubah makna. Kalimat yang terdapat kata so mempunybe/auxiliary verb +tooai makna positif, sedangkan yang memakai kata too bermakna negatif. “I had so many dreams about you and me” bisa diartikan “aku punya sangat banyak mimpi tentang kamu dan aku.” Kalimat ini mempunyai maksud empunyai impian yang sangat banyak yang ingin diraih dengan kekasihnya. “And it’s too late for you and your white horse to come around” diartikan “kamu dan kuda putihmu sangat terlambat datangnya.” Dalam kalimat ini, dia menyampaikan rasa kecewanya. Supaya lebih jelas, mari perhatikan penggunaan kata “so” dan “too” dalam kalimat-kalimat berikut ini: * The house is so big and looks comfortable (sangat besar, hingga kelihatan nyaman). * The house is too big. It makes me feel bit scared (sangat besar, membuat takut). * He speaks so loud, everybody can hear his voice clearly (bicara sangat keras, bisa didengar dengan jelas). * He speaks too loud, people feel annoyed.

So and Too digunakan untuk meringkas kalimat positif. Didalam kalimat so dan too memiliki arti “juga”. Susunan pola So dan Too adalah sebagai berikut :

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