Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 Tugas Terakhir

A. Because and Because of
Because of adalah preposisi –  itu diikuti oleh klausa nomina / kata benda atau kata ganti.
Contoh :
I am here because of the job offer.
Because adalah kata sambung- itu diikuti oleh subjek dan kata kerja.
Contoh :
I came here because this is a good school.

1.  He can’t go to the party  because of feeling sick.
2.  Carlos couldn't play because of his injury.
3.  I feel so sad because of his death.
4.  I had to go early to the office because of the meeting.
5.  I am here because of The job offer.
6.  I stay here because this is a good idea.
7.  He can’t go to the party because of his sickness.
8.  Andi can’t go to the Dufan because he feels busy.
9.  I came here because this is a good school.
10.I didn't pass the test because I didn't study.

B. Noun Clauses
Noun clause adalah klausa yang berfungsi sebagai nomina. Karena fungsinya sebagai nomina, maka noun clause dapat menduduki posisi-posisi berikut :
   1.    Subjek kalimat (subject of a sentence)
   2.    Objek verba transitif (object of a transitive verb)
   3.    Objek preposisi (object of a preposition)
   4.    Pelengkap (complement)
   5.    Pemberi keterangan tambahan (noun in apposition)

1. I believe that everything happens for a reason
2. How do I know what I think, until I see what I say?
3.  I believe that everything happens for a reason.
4. How do I know what I think, until I see what I say?
5. about what you bought at the mall
6. Whoever broke the vase will have to pay for it.
7. about what you bought at the mall
8. Whoever broke the vase will have to pay for it
9. The Toronto fans hope that the Blue Jays will win again
10. Be careful of what you’re doing

C. Not only – But also
Not only - but also yang bermakna ‘tidak hanya…tapi juga’ Contoh :
·      Not only my sister but also my brother is in Makassar.
·      Not only my sister but also my brothers are in Makassar.
Ketika ada dua subjek yang dihubungkan oleh not only but also, either or, or neither nor  maka subject yang lebih dekat dengan kata kerja yang kaan menentukan apakah kata kerjanya berbentuk tunggal atau jamak.
1. Not only my brother but also my sister is in Bekasi.
2. Not only Raka but also Yuni is in classroom.
3. She not only plays the keyboard, but also the drum.
4. They not only need food, but also shelter.
5. Not only Putri but also Suci is in garden.
6. She is not only a good wife, but also a good mother.
7. Not only Irna but also Sinta is in bathroom.
8. He visited not only France but also Japan.
9. Not only my brothers but also my sisters are in Yogyakarta. 
10.Lily eats not only string beans but also broccoli.

D. Have Something Done
 If you ‘have something done’, you get somebody else to do something for you.
a.  I’m going to have my hair cut.
     In informal English, we can replace ‘have’ by ‘get’.
b. We’re getting a new telephone system installed
    We can also use ‘have/got something done’ in situations where something bad has happened to
    people or their possessions. This is not something they wanted to happen.
c. John had all his money stolen from his hotel bedroom.

1. He’s having him house redecorated.
2.  We’re getting a new telephone system installed.
3. I got my nose broken playing rugby.
4.  I got the bill sent direct to the company.
5.  I’m having a copy of the report sent to you.
6.  John had all his money stolen from his hotel bedroom.
7.  I’m going to have my hair cut.
8.  We had our car damaged by a falling tree.
9.  They will be getting the system repaired as quickly as they can.
10.  She’s having her house redecorated.

E. Degrees Of Comparison
Kata sifat kuantitatif much dan little, dan kata sifat bilangan many and few, mempunyai tingkat perbandingan (degrees comparison).
The degrees of comparison (tingkat perbandingan) berjumlah tiga tingkat, yaitu :
1. The positive degree (tingkat biasa)
2. The comparative (tingkat lebih/perbandingan)
3. The superlative (tingkat paling)

1. Ina is the most beautiful girls in my school.
2. Solo is as beautiful as Surabaya.
3. Her love is as much as mine.
4. The brown cat is as beautiful as the grey cat.
5. She ate her lunch quickly.
6. Notebook is more expensive than personal computer.
7. Sony and toshiba have the same price.
8. The brown cat is not so beautiful as the black & white cat.
9. He speaks clearly.
10. He is a tall man like a pole.
F. Adjective and Adverb
ADJECTIVE (kata sifat) & ADVERB (kata keterangan)
Adjective : Kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan noun/pronoun.
Peletakan Adjective.
1. Adj + noun
   Exp : Good boys.
2. Indefinite pronoun + Adj
   Exp : Something special.
3. S + to be/linking verb + Adj
   Exp : She is beautiful, She looks beautiful.

Indenfinite Pronoun : someone, somebody, something, anyone, anybody, anything, no one, no body,    nothing, everyone, everybody, everything. Linking Verb : appear, become, feel, look, remain (tetap), seem, sound, stay, taste, smell.
Adverb (kata keterangan)
Adverb : Kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan verb, adjective, dan adverb yang lain.
Peletakan Adverb.
1. Adv + S + V + O
    Exp : Finally, he did it.
2. S + Adv + V + O
    Exp : She always studies hard.
3. S + V + O + Adv
    Exp : He went to school.
4. S + to be + Adv (nominal sentence)
        Exp : We are at home.
    5. Adv + adv/adj
       Exp: So slow or so slowly. Example :
      a. The train is fast. (Adjective)
      b. The train runs fast. (Adverb)

1. You’re absolutely right!
2.  She plays the piano well
3.  He teaches simply and clearly
4.  He didn’t do badly in his test.
5.  He learns quickly
6.  She’s an incredibly talented girl.
7. She’s a good pianist. ( good )
8.  The teacher makes difficult things simple
9.  He didn’t get a bad test score.
10.  He’s quickat learning new things.

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 - Kumpulan Soal Latihan

1. Conditional Sentense
1. My younger brother thinks that everybody can become a teacher.He often asks himself . “What …. if I were a teacher?
A. do I do
B. will I do
C. would I do
D. am I doing
E. am I going to do
2. Had I realized that Tony was a bad driver. I …. my car.
A. would not lend him
B. did not lend him
C. will not lend him
D. would not have  lent him
E. had not had
3. If she works harder, she ….. her paper in time.
A. will finish
B. would finish
C. has finished
D. will be finishing
E. will have finished
4. If my car were in the better condition, I would make a long trip now.
It may be concluded that I ….
A. have to stay at home
B. are enjoying the trip
C. prefer staying at home
D. enjoyed the trip
E. stayed at home
5. If there had been  traffic lights at this intersection, there would not have been so many accident. we may conclude that
A. Drivers were always careful at this intersection
B. despite the traffic lights accident happen
C. traffic lights often doesn’t work
D. We didn’t find traffic light at this intersection
E. There are many traffic accident
6.If his mother had not been ill, Tony would have joined the study tour to Jakarta.
We conclude that Tony …..
A. has just come back from the study tour
B. went to Jakarta for Study tour
C. left his sick mother at home
D. refused to join the study tour to Jakarta
E. went to jakarta after her mother had recovered
7. if i missed the bus this afternoon,………the taxi(I’ll get)
8. if i have more money……….you merry me?(would)
9. please dont signt this contac before i……check them(had)
10. you would have a lot of friend if you…..be so mean(didn’t)
11. if she had bougth a new house, she……..happy(have been)
12. Whenever my roommate snores loudly,………sleep.(can’t)
13. Children may be disappointed if they…….receive good grades.(do not)
14. Had it not rained, the farmer…….lost all of their crops.(would have)
15. If the airplane had not had a mechanical problem, we probably………arrived in Winnipeg by now.(would have)
16. We would be lying on the beach in Mexico right now if we had been able to get our visas on time.(had been)
17. Saya belajar bahasa Inggris tiap hari. Jika saya terus belajar bahasa Inggris tiap hari, bahasa Inggris saya akan meningkat dengan cepat.
If I keep learning English everyday, my English will improve fast.
If I kept learning English everyday, my English would improve fast.
If I had kept learning English everyday, my English would have improved fast.
If I had kept learning English everyday, my English will improve fast.
18. Jony tidak punya teman berlatih bahasa Inggris sekarang. Seandainya sekarang Jony punya seorang teman untuk berlatih bahasa Inggris, dia akan berlatih bahasa Inggris tiap hari.
If now Jony has a friend to practice English with, he will practice English everyday.
If now Jony had a friend to practice English with, he would practice English everyday.
If now Jony had had a friend to practice English with, he would have practiced English everyday.
If now Jony didn’t have a friend to practice English with, he wouldn’t practice English everyday.

19. Andrea nyetir dengan kecepatan 100 km per jam kemarin . Akibatnya, dia dapat kecelakaan . Sendainya . Andrea  tidak nyetir dengan kecepatan 100 km/jam kemarin, dia tidak akan dapat kecelakaan.
If Andrea doesn’t drive at a speed of 100 km per hour yesterday, he will not get an accident.
If Andrea didn’t drive at a speed of 100 km per hour yesterday, he would not get an accident.
If Andrea hadn’t drove at a speed of 100 km per hour yesterday, he would not have got an accident.
If Andrea hadn’t driven at a speed of 100 km per hour yesterday, he would not have got an accident.
20. Sorry bro. I was sick last night therefore I didn’t come to your party.
If I wasn’t sick last night, I came to your party.
If I had been sick last night, I wouldn’t come to your party.
If I hadn’t been sick last night, I would come to your party.
If I hadn’t been sick last night, I would have come to your party.

2. Modals
Please see the following sentences. Please mark C if it is CORRECT, and I if it is INCORRECT.
1. May I borrow your book, please? <…..>C
2. I will to go to Semarang next week. <…..>C
3. She can not to visit that historic area. <…..>I
4. You may ride the motor cycle if you have Driving Lisence. <…..>I
5. Sheila can go to my house yesterday. <…..>C
6. Your glass is empty. …. I get you some more fresh water?
A. shall
B. will
C. can
D. should
E. Shall have
7. We …. like to visit that new store some day.
A. shall
B. will
C. can
D. would
E. Shall have
8. You are sick, but you don’t come  hospital to see a doctor.
You …. visit him soon.
A. would
B. could
C. should
D. will
E, can
9. “I really don’t know why Tony didn’t come to the meeting”.
“There ….. something wrong with him.
A. might be
B. could be
C. will be
D. should have been
E. must have been
10. “Rini is old enough. She …. know better than the others about it.
A. will
B. could
C. must
D. may be
E. can
11. My motorcycle runs out of oil. I ….buy it because I will ride it to the meeting.
A. should
B. may
C. can
D. must
E. might
12. Yanti looks so pale and weak. He must be sick. The underlined sentence means:
A. He has to be sick
B. Maybe he is sick
C. It’s possible that he is sick.
D. He is rather sick
E. I conclude that he is sick
13. “I could have somebody else to carry the heavy bags” It means :
A. I carried the heavy bags
B  Somebody else carried the heavy bags for me
C. I asked someone carry the heavy bags.
D. I would carry the heavy bags myself.
E. I didn’t want to carry the heavy bags.
Exercises :
14. They        study hard,because next April they will take the examination
A. Will                        B. Should                                C. Can
15. You ____ permit to your mother.if you go to school
A. Must                       B. May                        C. Mustn’t
16. She ____ come here tommorow.
A. Will                        B. Can                         C. Must
17. He ____ speak English well if  he took English course  .
A. Will                       B. Can                         C. Could
18. You seem to be having trouble there. ____I help you?
A. Would                       B. Will                                      C. Shall
19. Teddy got a bed score for his examination, ____study hard for next
A. Should have studied  B. Could have studied                        C. Might have studied
20. My father ____ play guitar when he was child
A. Shall                           B. Can                         C. Could

3. Direct and Indirect speech
1. The woman says to him: “you play the piano well.”
The girl says to him that ………….
A. you play the piano well.
B. he play the piano well
C. he plays the piano well
D. he played the piano well
E. you played the piano well
2. “Did he leave a message for me?”
“yes, he said………. tonight”.
A. he called you
B. he would call him
C. you called her
D. he would call you
E. I would call you
3. “You mustn’t forget what I told you.”
She told me ………..
A. that I hadn’t to forget what she had told me

B. that I didn’t have to forget what I had told her.
C. that I mustn’t have forgotten what I told you.
D. that I didn’t have to forget what she had told me
E. that I was not to forget what she had told me.sing so loudly
4. Tony said to me: “Why does she sing so loudly?”
A. Tony said to me why does she sing so loudly
B. Tony asked me why did she sing so loudly.
C. Tony asked why does she sing so loudly
D. Tony asked me why she sang so loudly
E. Tony asked me why she did sing so loudly
5. “How many pieces of bread can you eat?” She said
A. She said how many pieces of bread I can eat
B. She wanted to know how many pieces of bread you cculd eat
C. She asked how could I eat a lot of bread
D. She asked how many pieces of bread I could eat

E. She asked me how many pieces of bread I can eat
6. “Where did you go  four days ago?” John asked.
Tony asked …….
A. where did I go four days ago
B. where I did go four days ago
C. Where I had gone four days before
D. where I had gone four days ago.
E. where I went four days before
7. “Did you have an   assignment last month? Father asked me
Father asked me ……
A. did I have an assignment last month
B. I did have an assignment last month
C. if I had had an assignment the month before
D. if I did have an assignment the month before
E. if I had had an assignment the month before
8. “Were you at the party last night?” Tony said.
A. Tony said that I was at the party the night be tofore
B. Tony wanted to know if he was at the party the night before
C. Tony asked me if I was at the party
D. Tony wanted to know if I had been at the party the night before

E. Tony said to me that I had been  at the party the night before
9. Rudy said to me, “Can I help  you  find  a hotel?”
A. Rudy asked me if I could help her find a hotel
B. I wondered if my friend could help me find a hotel
C. Rudy said that I could help me find a hotel
D. Rudy asked me to find a hotel for him
E. Rudy asked me whether he could help me find a hotel
10. “Do you need a pen?” Ani asked. = Ani asked me if…….(I was need a pen.)
11. John asked, “What do you want?” = John asked me…….(what I wanted.)
12. Sue asked, “Are you hungry?” = Sue wanted to know if…… (I was hungry.)
13. “I’m going to move to Ohio,” said Bruce. = Bruce informed me (that)…… (he went to move to Ohio.)
14. “I may be late,” said Mike. = Mike told me (that)….. (he was late.)
15. The man said, “ ………..steal the money.”(I did not)
16. John asked me, “…….father see me ?”(Did your)
17. My mother asked me, “…………..your homework ?”(Have you done)
18. The woman asked me, “……….speak English ?”(Can you)
19. Ani Asked, “………my bag?”(Where is)
20. She said,”……..happy today.”( I am so)

4. Active and Passive voice
1. Rubahlah kalimat berikut ini menjadi passive voice: He meets them everyday
Jawaban: They are met by him everyday
2. Rubahlah kalimat berikut ini menjadi Active voice: They were met by him yesterday
Jawaban: He met them yesterday
3. Rubahlah kalimat berikut ini menjadi Active voice: They have been met by him
Jawaban: He has met them
4. Rubahlah kalimat berikut ini menjadi Active voice: This plant had been watered by her for 5 minutes when I got here
Jawaban: She had watered this plant for 5 minutes when I got here
5. Rubahlah kalimat berikut ini menjadi passive voice: He will meet them tomorrow
Jawaban: They will be met by him tomorrow
6. Rubahlah kalimat berikut ini menjadi passive voice: He will have met them before I get there tomorrow
Jawaban: They will have been met by him before I get there tomorrow.
7. Rubahlah kalimat berikut ini menjadi passive voice: She would have watered this plant.
Jawaban : This plant would have been watered by her.
8. Rubahlah kalimat berikut ini menjadi passive voice: He is meeting them now.
Jawaban : hey are being met by him now.
9. Rubahlah kalimat berikut ini menjadi active voice: This plant was being watered by her.
Jawaban : She was watering this plant.
10. Rubahlah kalimat berikut ini menjadi active voice: They would be being met by him.
Jawaban : He would be meeting them.
Ubahlah kalimat aktif di bawah ini menjadi kalimat pasif.
11. I understand English a little. (English is understood a little (by me))
12. They were calling her in this room at 7.00 am. (She was being called (by them) in this room at 7.00 am)
13. He has taught you for 3 months. (You have been taught (by him) for 3 months)
14. Yunaz gave you a gift. (You were given a gift (by Yunaz).)
15. I will write the answer of the questions next week. (The answer of the questions will be written (by me) next week.)
Change to passive voice below:
16. I make cakes every week. (The cakes are made by me every week.)
17. He does not take the dog out twice a day. (The dog is not taken out by him twice a day.)
18. Does he expect us to offer him the job ? (Are we expected to offer him the job by him ?)
19. They do not  make these artificial flowers of silk. (These artificial flowers of silk are not made by them.)
20. We use this room only on special occasions.( This room is used by us only on special occasions.)
5. Question Tag

  1. Handy likes swimming,………? (doesn’t he)
  2. I’m your best friend,………….? (aren’t I)
  3. They work in our factory,……..? (don’t they)
  4. The boys know Mrs. Lynn’s address,……….?(don’t they)
  5. The man sells fruits,…………..? (doesn’t he)
  6. We met them last night,……….? (didn’t we)
  7. You can handle it,……………..?(can’t you)
  8. Your sister has a cute cat,………….? (doesn’t she)
  9. The tigers eat meat,…………? (don’t they)
  10. I have invited you,…………? (haven’t I)
  11. She is a nurse,………….? (isn’t she)
  12. They are doctors,…………….?(aren’t they)
  13. Andi is sick,………………..?(isn’t he)
  14. This car is very expensive,………..?(isn’t it)
  15. Martha and his sister are beautiful,………….?(aren’t they)
  16. We can do it by ourselves,……….?(can’t we)
  17. Your father will fly to Medan,…………?(won’t he)
  18. You were my school friend,………..?(weren’t you)
  19. I am right,………..?( aren’t I)
  20. The cat is hungry,………….?(isn’t it)
6. Both and Both of
1. Both of the women…..from Jakarta.
a. are                                       c. was
b. come                                    d. is
2. All the wine….. in the dining room.
a. are                                        c. was
b. does                                     d. is
3. Do you like……
a. they both                             c. they all
b. them all                              d. are
4. ……those oranges are sweet.
A. both                                    c. none of
b. none                                                d. no
5. Both of…..attended the meeting last week.
a. us                                        c. we
b. your                                     d. they
6. we…….understand what is going on.
a. none of                                c. none
b. all of                                    d. all
7. A: how many student are there in the room?
a. all of us                                c. none
b. both of us                            d. no
8. Both…….are very interesting.
a. book                                                c. all
b. novels                                 d. of
9. You…..must arrive on time everyday
a. all of                                    c. all
b. no                                        d. none
10. Does he want to help……them?
a. no                                        c. none
b. both of                                d. of

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Inggris Binis Tugas Ke - 2 SOAL


1. Below is a sentence countable noun, except….

a. A glass of milk c. You can see through glass

b. He has many papers d. He has many money

2. Below is a singular countable noun, except….

a. bags c. lady

b. hero d. city

3. the following uses a plural countable noun…

a. country c.branch

b.day d. keys

4. Below is a plural countable noun, except….

a. children c. wolves

b. geese d. wife

5. Includes the following into singuler and plural countable noun…

a. feet c. knives

b. sheep d. safes

6. Below is a uncountable noun, except….

a. You can see through glass c. A glass of milk

b. Paper is made from wood d. I have some apples

For No. 7-11 Complete the sentences below using the gerund!

7. ……. is my hobby

a. play c. reading

b. read d. holyday

8. Before …. I lock the door

a. go c. gone

b. going d. go to

9. I was getting sleepy, so I had my friend ........ the car.

a. drive c. to drive

c. drived d. driving

10. The students should be made ……. on time.

a. coming c. come

b. to come d. comed

11. Swimming is moving in the water. Swimming has a function as a noun ?

a. objek c. predicate

b. preposition d. subject

12. Include is a verb gerund? Except…

a. avoid c. strong

b. escape d. postpone

13. Either of the two study has passed the exam. Correct the sentence !

a. Either of the two students has passed the exam

b. Either of the two study has pas the exam

c. Neither of the two students have passed the exam

d. Neither of the two study have passed the exam

14. Neither Yayat nor two of his friend are attended the class now. Correct the sentence !

a. Either Yayat or two of his friends are attended the class now

b. Either Yayat nor two of his frendly are attending the class now

c. Neither Yayat nor two of his friends are attending the class now

d. Neither Yayat nor two of her frendly are attended the class now

For No. 15 & 16. Note the following sentence !

I didn’t go to supermarket yesterday.

He didn’t go to supermarket yesterday.

15. Combine the following sentences to Neither !

a. I didn’t go to supermarket yesterday, and neither did He.

b. I did not go to supermarket yesterday, neither did He

c. I didn’t go to supermarket with He yesterday

d. I did not go to supermarket yesterday, neither did He

16. Combine the following sentences to Either !

a. I didn’t go to supermarket and He either yesterday

b. I didn’t go to supermarket yesterday and He

c. I and He didn’t go to supermarket yesterday

d. I didn’t go to supermarket yesterday and He didn’t either

For No. 17 & 18. Note the following sentence !

I didn’t come to the party last night because I was sick

Suci didn’t come to the party last night because Suci was sick

17. Combine the following sentences to Either !

a. I didn’t come to the party last night because I was sick and Suci didn’t’ either

b. I didn’t come to the party last night because I and Suci was sick

c. I and Suci didn’t come to the party last night because I and Suci sick

d. I didn’t come to the party last night because I either Suci was sick

18. Combine the following sentences to Neither !

a. I didn’t come to the party last night because I and Suci neither was sick

b. I didn’t come to the party last night because I was sick, and neither did Suci

c. I and Suci didn’t come to the party last night because I was sick

d. I and neither Suci didn’t come to the party last night because I was sick

19. …….. planted a rose plant last month …….. is growing well now.

a. me, this c. I, you

b. we, it d. me, you

20. The subject pronoun is not included ?

a. His c. You

b. They d. She

21. Include is a subject pronoun? Except…

a. He is my brother

b. She likes writing a poem

c. This is I. I am just an ordinary person

d. Echa gave me a piece of cake

22. The subject pronoun is not included ?

a. You have to buy a good English dictionary.

b. I hate myself

c. She must be angry to herself

d. Koko helped us clean the house

23. I have just been introduced to the lady….. next door.

a. who live c. who have lived
b. that lives d. lived

24. The article…… we got the data for our essay is written by a well known sociologist.

a. that c. whose
b. whom d. from which

25. The victims of the flood…… we have collected money and clothes are housed in barracks outside the town.

a. which c. whom
b. whose d. for whom

26. The girl is a Balinese. I was introduced to her.
The above sentences can be joined as follows: The girl……I was introduced is a Balinese.

a. to whom c. whose
b. whom d. which

27. The book…... is only available in the library.

a. from which these two chapters are taken
b. these two chapters are taken from them
c. where these two chapters are taken
e. the two chapters are taken

28. This is Mr. Flash …….

a. which I told you c. I told you about
b. whom I told you about d. that I told you

29. This is the source……. I got the data for my composition.

a. in which c. the place
b. which d. from which

30. The lady……. this letter is addressed has moved to another city.

a. who c. to whom
b. to which d. whom

31. The yellow card………is only issued for employees.

a. one cannot enter the factory without
b. which without it one cannot enter the factory
c. no one can enter the factory without it
d. without which one cannot enter the factory

32. This is the lady…… I discussed my problem.

a. who c. with whom
b. with her d. whom

33. Teenager delinquency……… people are now complaining, has become a popular topic discussed among psychologists.

a. about which c. whom that
b. in which d. whic

34. The tourist asked me………

a. where the nearest bank is
b. the nearest bank
c. where is the nearest bank?
d. which the nearest bank

35. Include is a epithet adjective? Except…

a. clever student c. she is beautiful

b. blue eyes d. old car

36. Include is a predicative adjective? Except…

a. we are strong c. he is tall

b. beautifull girl d. I am happy

For number 37- 39 Change the sentence in the form of so and too !

37. I study English every day. Putri studies English every day.

a. I study English every day, and so does Putri

b. I study English every day so Putri studies English every day

c. I and Putri studies English every day

d. I study English and Putri studies English every day

38. I will play tennis. Vika will play tennis.

a. I and Vikka will play tennis

b. I and Vikka so does will play tennis

c. I will play tennis, and so does Vika will play

d. I will play tennis, and Vika will too

39. Ibrahimovic goes to office. Pato goes to office.

a. Ibrahimovic goes to office, will too Pato

b. Ibrahimovic and Pato goes to office

c. Ibrahimovic goes to office, and so does Pato

d. Ibrahimovic goes to office, and will Pato so does

40. I will play football everyday. Aries will play football everyday.

a. I will play football everyday, and Aries will too

b. I and Aries will play football everyday

c. I and Aries play football everyday will too

d. I will play football everyday, and will too Aries

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